1. Please fill the REPLY PAID satchel with your slides/negatives/photos. 2. Fill out the Sender details on the front of the Priority satchel and sign the declaration. 3. Follow the packing instructions on the page enclosed. 4. Call 13 23 45 (StarTrack) to organise your satchel to be picked up. 5. Our team will contact you to confirm that we have received your photos.
* FOR RESTORATION REQUESTS: please ensure these are clearly marked with a Post-it note or in a separate envelope.
(Restoration quotes will be given once photos are assessed)
Click below to DOWNLOAD:
If you have any questions please call 03 9988 7800Monday-Friday, 9am - 11pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
Slides MUST BE 5x5cm
and no thicker than
and no thicker than
Slides MUST NOT bein display sheets
Slides should bepacked in a slide box
or tied in a bundle
or tied in a bundle
Slides MUST BEpacked in groups of
50 or less
50 or less
Slides MUST BE facing the same direction
We only accept 2 types of negatives
Negatives MUST NOT exceedthe following dimensions
Negatives MUST NOT exceedthe following dimensions
Negatives MUST NOT be on a roll
Negatives MUST NOT be loose
Negatives MUST BEin a display sheet/plastic
in an envelope
Photos MUST NOT belonger than 22cm on
any side
any side
Photos MUST NOT beshorter than 5cm on
any side
any side
Photos MUST NOT be in albums
Photos MUST BEtied in bundles
Photos MUST BE organised by size.

PLEASE NOTE: We take no liability for photos/slides/negatives that are not packed properly or damaged.
To avoid damages, please ensure you protect your slides/negatives/photos by using bubble wrap or other appropriate padding. Please ensure you do not over-pack your satchel by using slide carousel trays. If your satchel seems over-packed, please contact us immediately so we can assist you.